'Reflections by IITians' is a collection of 36 articles by well known alumni of IIT who share their rich experiences and ideologies in their journey through life. It makes for some very interesting and thought provoking reading.
The articles have been collated and published by Mr. Ram Krishnaswamy, from Sydney, Australia, himself a past student of IIT Madras. The book was officially released on Dec.19th 2008 at IIT Madras, during the PAN IIT meet, by the well known scientist Mr. Anil Kakodkar, Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission, India and who was recently conferred the prestigious Padmashree Award by the Govt.of India.
We are extremely grateful to Mr.Ram and all the authors for their kindness in offering to donate the proceeds of the sale of the books to Jeevodaya.
The books are available for sale at Jeevodaya for Rs.450/- [Rupees Four hundred and fifty only] by cash or cheque drawn in favour of "Jeevodaya". If you need them to be sent by post [within India only] add Rs 80/- [Eighty only'] as handling charges and send it to